uses overlays to recommend plans with better value and margins

Rich Towey

The lowdown on

  • UK vendor of smartphones and contracts
  • Online-only Carphone Warehouse brand

Campaign overview

  • Deployed overlays for goal-based incentivization
  • Created an algorithm to analyze millions of data points to find the best deal


Find a way of dynamically adjusting its promotions to meet a series of ambitious KPIs wanted to remain profitable during Cyber Week, where aggressive promotional activity can hurt margins. Plus, it knew that simply pushing deals on high-margin plans wouldn’t deliver the required impact on its conversion rate.

The retailer wanted to base its recommendations around what was already in the cart and help customers unlock bigger savings. Each swap would offer benefits to both the brand and the shopper, inevitably producing better results.

Finally, wanted to improve sales of premium devices, targeting sales of iPhones as a good place to start.


  • Conversion rate target: 6% (average 4.6%)
  • Bounce rate target: below 30% (average 38%)
  • Increase iPhone sales share: target increase of +30%

The solution

Sift through’s extensive list of plans, in real time, to find something that fits the criteria

RevLifter met's objectives by developing a bespoke data algorithm to work alongside its native overlays.

First, team RevLifter integrated with an exclusive BigUpData Enhanced Telco feed from affiliate network Awin, which equipped the algorithm with enough information to upsell the customer.

The team then created a process to calculate the real-time margin of every cart to deliver a personalized, profitable offer, which went as follows:

  1. The customer finds a suitable handset on, selects a tariff, and adds it to their basket. A real-time feed scan with customizable rules is activated.
  2. The customer is recommended a tariff with more data, which is often cheaper and drives a better margin for
  3. When the user clicks an ‘unlock your special offer’ button on the basket page, an overlay delivers better value on their purchase and swaps the items in their order.’s Cyber Week strategy was multi-tiered, aimed at raising the value of each cart through timely on-site dialogue and – in the event of potential abandonment – reeling customers back into purchasing mindset.

RevLifter produced three main scenarios to target:

Low-margin baskets

Regular customers were given deals that increased their cart value while providing better savings overall.

iPhone customers

Due to the associated margin on iPhones, RevLifter used its data-driven methodology to source better deals for shoppers with these devices in their carts. Additionally, special overlays triggered on product pages for those who hadn’t.

iPhone abandoners

If someone viewing an iPhone product page dwelled for over 60 seconds with no activity, they were targeted by an overlay that redirected them to a ‘Black Friday deals’ page, full of hyper-personalized offers.

“Implementing RevLifter, from initial idea generation to technical implementation, has been smooth. Mobile phone purchases are subject to complex user journeys that consider thousands of variations of deals and offers.

RevLifter has created a bespoke journey which drives better value for customers and better margins for the business. We’ve recorded a positive increase in time on site and conversion while complimenting the end user’s experience.”

Jay Karsandas
Digital Marketing Manager @


  • +150% iPhone sales share during Cyber Week
  • +52% CVR
  • -24% Bounce rate

RevLifter’s innovative, data-driven approach was a huge success, allowing to reward individual customers while hitting each of its KPIs.

The results showed the true impact of giving customers a deal that brought more value to their order while boosting the retailer’s margin.

The campaign has since become an award winner, including:

  • Best eCommerce Campaign at the Global Marketing Awards
  • Best Performance Marketing Campaign – Western Europe at the International Performance Marketing Awards
  • Best Use of Data at the UK Performance Marketing Awards